Keyboard Functionalities

IS4C requires that the cashier uses a programmable keyboard. The programmable keyboard is essentially a board of "hot keys" programmed to send text strings to the input box. If you don't have a programmable keyboard for now, you could type in the text strings using a regular keyboard, and the system will behave accordingly.

Below is a table of the text strings and the corresponding responses from the system. [arg] means an "argument input" is expected, [someting else] indicates a second variable of some kind, and {ENTER} means pressing the "Enter" key.

Key String Effects
Cancel CN{ENTER} Cancels an entire transaction. Calls up a prompt for a supervisor's password. Transaction will be cancelled if password is correct. A partial receipt will print, listing items rung in up to the point of cancellation.
Clear CL{ENTER} Commonly used to reverse incorrect entries and to clear error message boxes
Department [arg]DP[Department]{ENTER} When item with known department is unscannable, cashier hand-enters in 100 x price as [arg] ($1.49, for example, goes in as 149), then presses the department key, and the item is rung in as a general department item. [Department] is a three digit integer. The department keys are usually pre-progammed (e.g. DP020{ENTER}). The correct department is obtained from referencing the three digit number against the "Department" table. A warning screen will come up with an error beep if [arg]/100 falls outside the accepted department price range set in the same table.
Foodstamp eligible total FNTL{ENTER} Calculates and displays foodstamp eligible amount. System will not accept foodstamp tenders without FNTL being first invoked. FNTL automatically triggers TL
Foodstamp toggle FN Reverses the foodstamp eligible status of the next item rung in. The foodstamp toggle key does not sent {ENTER}, and is Usually invoked when the cashier first presses FN, then scans in the item in question. If FN is followed by the tax toggle key, then both the tax and foodstamp status of the following item rung in are reversed.
Manager's Menu MG{ENTER} Calls up a list box with the following alternatives
  • Suspend Transaction
  • Resume Transaction
  • Tender Reports
Member Identification [arg]ID{ENTER} Search for the member number entered as [arg]. If found, display the member number on the screen, and the transaction will be associated with the member number. If [arg] is not found, or not entered, a prompt box will appear asking for a last name. Entering letters into the box will call up a drop down list with last names matching the letters entered. The cashier can then pick from the list. "ID" can be used multiple times and at any point during the transaction. Sales records will reflect the last ID entered.
Multiple (marked @) [arg]*[upc]{ENTER} Rings up [arg] number of items represented by the upc. Cashiers typically type in [arg], then presses the multiple key @, and then scan in the item. It can also be used in the middle of a longer string in combination with other keys, as in VD5*29 (void 5 cups of coffee), or 10*149DP110 (ten items from department 110 at 1.49 each).
No Sale NS{ENTER} Opens the cash drawer. Calls up a prompt for a supervisor's password, and drawer opens when the password is correct. Works only when there is no transaction in progress.
Percent Discount [arg]DA{ENTER} Applies a percentage discount specified by [arg] to the entire transaction. Keys are usually programmed to apply certain standard percentages, e.g. 5DA{ENTER} and 10DA{ENTER} for discounts of five and ten percent respectively.
Product verification PV{ENTER} Calls up a prompt for either a text string or an upc. When action is taken, will either generate a list of products matching the text string, or the product matching the upc. Selecting an item from the list will result in that item being rung in.
Product verification PV[arg]{ENTER} Shows a list of products beginning with the string specified by [arg]. Selecting an item from the list will result in that item being rung in. This variation is usually used for quick "look ups" with "speed keys" where the string [arg] is pre-programmed (eg., PVAPPLE{ENTER})
Refund RF[arg]{ENTER} Refunds the item(s) specified by [arg]. [arg] can take the following forms: RF29 (refund one cup of coffee), RF3*29 (3 cups of coffee), or RF3*149DP110 (refund 3 department 11 items at 1.49 each).
Reprint receipt RP{ENTER} Calls up a list box of transaction summaries listing transactions conducted by the currently logged in cashiers on that lane in reverse chronological order. Selecting a transaction will result in a receipt of that transaction being printed.
Sign off SO{ENTER} Cashier sign off. Drawer will open.
Tare weight [arg]TW{ENTER} Stores tare weight as [arg]/100. Displays tare weight on screen. If next item rung in is a weight item with weight supplied, will then apply tare weight to the supplied weight.
Tax exempt TETL{ENTER} Makes the entire transaction tax exempt. Tax exemption is reversed by scrolling to the tax exemption notification display and pressing the "void" key (VD{ENTER})
Tax toggle 1TN{ENTER} Reverses the tax status of the next item rung in. Effective only for one item.
Total TL{ENTER} Calculates amount due, taking into account discount, tax, and any exemptions and surcharges. The number is reported on the screen, and represents the amount the customer must pay to complete the transaction up to that point. The system will not complete a transaction without TTL being invoked at the final stage.
Void VD Without [arg], VD attempts to void the currently highlighted item. Certain items cannot be voided. Any kind of informational lines, such as subtotals, cannot be voided. If the item is a multiple, say ten of something, and one was voided previously, then trying to void ten will result in an error screen indicating that only 9 are available for voidling. Notice that VD is a prefix, and cashier must press the "enter" key for VD to take effect.
Void VD[arg]{ENTER} Attempts to void the item(s) specified in [arg]. [arg] could be a upc or the multiple thereof. eg. [arg] could be simply 29 (a cup of coffee) or 10*29 (10 cups of coffee). [arg] could also involve other keys, as in VD10*149DP110 (void 10 of department 110 at 1.49 each).
Key String Effects
Cash Tender [arg]CA{ENTER} Tenders the amount [arg]/100 in cash
Other Tenders [arg][Other string]{ENTER} The system searches for [Other string] (which includes CA) in the table "tender". If a match is found, will tender the amount [arg]/100 accordingly. Some of these other strings are: CK (check), CC (credit card), EF (electronic foodstamp), FS (paper foodstamp), CX (corporate charge), MI (employee charge).
Other Keys (F-keys apply only to the Microsoft Natural layout)
Key String Effects
Up arrow ASCII 38 Highlight item above the currently hightlighted item
Down arrow ASCII 40 Highlight item below the currently hightlighted item
Left arrow ASCII 37 Same as up arrow
Right arrow ASCII 39 Same as down arrow
F4/Lock ASCII 115 Lock screen. Brings up a password prompt. The screen can only be unlocked by the password of the cashier currently logged in, or by a supervisor's password.
F6 ASCII 117 Repeat last input
F10 ASCII 121 Request weight data from scanner scale. This provides a mechanism for cashiers to try to bring a non-responsive scale back to life in the middle of a transaction. More often than not, however, when the scale in non-reponsive, it is also non-reponsive to the keyboard altogether.
@ * See "Multiple" above